Research shows the number of software applications being used in organisations has increased by 68 percent over the past four years, and 10 percent of businesses now have more than 200 apps in their IT environments.
One of the core drivers behind business transformation is the desire to deliver a more unified and efficient environment so customers can have a better experience in interacting with the business.
With the prevalence and growing demand for software applications, delivering a cohesive experience is going to require a transformed environment, so into 2020 and onwards we will see applications become an even greater focus within transformation exercises.
When you look at where those applications are being turned, some of the key benefits for digital transformation in 2020 will include:
Companies that still aren’t investing heavily in analytics by 2020 probably won’t be in business by 2021. Collecting data and running better analytics relies on organisations developing data lakes and having a transformed environment so all applications are communicating with, and using, the same sources of data.
As a major new piece of connectivity infrastructure, 5G will influence how we work, live and play in ways we haven’t yet considered. What it means is the demands for robust connected solutions from customers and within organisations will be greater than ever, and organisations will need to anticipate a new level of demand on their applications and networks.

Current applications of AI don’t extend too much further than chatbots and basic prediction tools, but their functionality will expand dramatically in the next decade, and this too will mean AI solutions require more nimble applications, developed and updated according to agile principles, to leverage in full. Legacy applications will not be able to capitalise on AI on any level.
With this futureproofing in mind, Insight has been actively assisting customers in transitioning to new Microsoft Azure platforms, with a view to setting a strong foundation for the IT environment to capitalise on as needs grow and new opportunities arrive.
For many organisations, the start of a new decade will be the opportunity to take stock of areas of risk and opportunity. Without a successful transformation into a cloud-ready, digital environment, organisations will be at real risk of extreme disruption.
While the statistics do show transformation is a challenging exercise, much of this risk can be mitigated by finding the right partner and doing the proper groundwork first.
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