Accounting Firm Guide To IT Services

Accounting IT Support

Accounting IT Support

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Accounting Firm Guide To IT Services
Accounting Firm Guide To IT Services

Haven't read the book?

This groundbreaking Accounting e-book about understanding the partnership and benefits of an IT Provider in the Accounting space covers everything you need to know, from Accounting IT Support  Business Models, Services Models, and different pricing strategies.

Click below, no need for information, enjoy the eBook.

The book is fully illustrated and very easy to follow.

"If you are currently looking for an IT partner for your firm, this is a MUST read! and it's not even necessarily for just accounting firms as it covers everything that MSPs may not tell you about their operations and strategy." - David Tediwijaya, Associate Director. Accountancy Insurance.

E-book Contents

Service Models

Shows the most used Services Models in the IT industry and shows you exactly how they operate from an SLA to a business alignment perspective.

Investment vs Expense

Is an Technology an Investment for your business or is it an expense. The answer is in how your technology environment is structured but is your IT partner assisting you? or just doing their "work".


What is this term, why do we only see "New Age" Managed IT Service Providers using it and how is it different then an MSP service partnership?

Hidden Fees and Charges

Managed IT Providers are here to bring you value (Well to right ones), in this book you will gain knowledge of hidden tactics that some providers use that is a conflict of interest with your business.

MSP Leaders

Full statistical graph from 1600+ MSPs that were surveyed. You get to know the age bracket of MSP Executives, what TV shows they watch, what social platforms are most used, what they subscribe to and more.

The Questions

I this book we give you (And give our answers) the exact questions that you should be asking your msps and what you should be doing if you don't get the right answer.

It's not about "What are you charging" Cause you can charge less and have a larger overall contract cost. it's about "How can you help me achieve my business goals?" If you are hitting your targets and seeing growth, price doesn't matter.

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