To see whether a website is safe to visit, you can check for security info about the site. Chrome will alert you if you can’t visit the site safely or privately.
- In Chrome, open a page.
- To check a site’s security, to the left of the web address, look at the security status:
Info or Not secure
Not secure or Dangerous
- To see the site’s details and permissions, select the icon. You’ll see a summary of how private Chrome thinks the connection is.
as it states on the Gloogle Chrome Help center…
Now, Google is now looking to move away from the “secure” indicator acros HTTPS as they believe their security for Chrome has developed. Previously the Google Chrome team had released a proposal to mark all HTTP sites as “Non-Secure” and were looking at removing indicators of HTTPS pages. Now it seems as though that move will take effect as soon as September this year.
Emily Schechter, Google Chrome’s security product manager, explained that users should expect a safe web by default, and be warned only if there is an actual issue or threat. In February this year, Google issued an advance warning that starting with Chrome version 70 due out in October, all clear-text, unencrypted HTTP pages will be prominently marked as “not secure” by the web browser, something that was originally announced to be rolled out on Chrome version 68.
“Users should expect that the web is safe by default, and they’ll be warned when there’s an issue. Since we’ll soon start marking all HTTP pages as “not secure”, we’ll step towards removing Chrome’s positive security indicators so that the default unmarked state is secure. Chrome will roll this out over time, starting by removing the “Secure” wording and HTTPS scheme in September 2018 (Chrome 69).” – Emily Schechter, Product Manager, Chrome Security..
These updates are part of a plan that Google references as “HTTPS 100%” that aims to have all sites loaded in Chrome via HTTPS.
“We hope these changes continue to pave the way for a web that’s easy to use safely, by default,” Schechter said. “HTTPS is cheaper and easier than ever before, and unlocks powerful capabilities — so don’t wait to migrate to HTTPS!” – Emily Schechter, Product Manager, Chrome Security.
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