There are a lot of things that determine what is valuable when it comes to business and a small business’s survival isn’t defined by it’s ability to innovate, it’s market share, or its growth strategy. A competitive playing field is inevitable and a great idea is only as good as the next one.
What truly matters is your ability to adapt to the changing world around you.
Solutions for minor problems are abundant and technology is constantly forcing many businesses to rethink the way they work for a more productive outcome. Smart business owners and entrepreneurs that understand the changing landscape and adapt to new ways of doing things and completing tasks at a more efficient manner, are the ones who see constant growth and development.
Moving on
Business’ across Australia continue to show signs of staggering growth and they wonder why. It’s unbelievable that 55% of businesses across the country still use fax machines whilst 56% are still using flash drives….FLASH DRIVES. Not only that, 83% still use spreadsheets when there are far more efficient ways to report, track ad plan for success.
Many businesses continue to use outdated technologies that aren’t fit for purpose in today’s digital economy. It’s staggering to see that 55% use fax machines, while 56% are still using flash drives. There are also too many businesses still relying on spreadsheets (83%) when there are far more efficient ways to report, track and plan for success. Of those businesses that use spreadsheets, 68% use them for accounting purposes, 56% use them for office management, and 49% use them for financial planning.
This is alarming. Spreadsheets require manual input, a substantial time investment, and scrupulous accuracy across the board. There’s no reason to be clinging onto spreadsheets when there are ways and solutions to automate much of the data entry process – and with fewer errors. These stats make me wonder if there are Disaster Recovery implementations in place…
In the words of Thomas Edison – “There’s a way to do it better – find it.”
Evolve or die
Change is inevitable and if business’ can’t keep up with the advancement of new technologies whilst their competitors can, it’s game over in no time. You’ve got to look into the future no matter what size you are. Consider the time and money you will save in the long-term by adopting the right tools and more specifically, at the right time (very important).
This isn’t set i stone but it’s something i believe in; if you’re consumed by inefficient processes across your business, you won’t be able to properly serve your customers or pursue new prospects. Both will expect you to be tech savvy, and if you’re not, they’ll turn to your competitors and once they start applying the new tools efficiently, it’s hard to get that business back.
Business in the cloud
Device and Hardware procurement is essentially only one component of a truly mobile business. Cloud technology is becoming increasingly essential for small businesses in their quest to efficiently work from anywhere, and at any time. This graph below developed by Gartner shows the forecast landscape of Public Cloud Services…
Almost three quarters of Australian businesses (70%) are already using the cloud. When asked, 52% believe it will save money, 70% said they believe it will save time, and 49% believe it will improve efficiency. In fact, 48% of respondents claimed that it’s already saved their business more than 10 hours a week. Think about what you could achieve in that time.
Not all migrations are successful and can do the opposite to your business if not done correctly. We offer SmartCLOUD solutions and consultations to analyse your business and see what is suited. Obviously i’d recommend using this service but there are others out there. Today’s global office environment demands modern technology. It’s crucial that small businesses embrace the latest tools available. A true modern infrastructure and tools at your disposal will set apart the winners from the losers.
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